About me
Zili KOU (寇梓黎) is currently a PhD candidate in the Electronic and Computer Engineering department at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Wei ZHANG. He received his B.S. degree from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2019. His research interests include micro-architectural security, hardware-enhanced security, and privacy computing. He has won the best paper award in ICCAD 2022.
- June 2023: I receive the HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award in 2022-23.
- Mar. 2023: One co-authored work “Tensor-Product-Based Accelerator for Area-efficient and Scalable Number Theoretic Transform” is accepted by FCCM 2023.
- Nov. 2022: Our work “Cache Side-channel Attacks and Defenses of the Sliding Window Algorithm in TEEs” is accepted by DATE 2023.
- Oct. 2022: Our work “Attack Directories on ARM big.LITTLE Processors” wins the best paper award at ICCAD 2022.
- May 2022: I receive the HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award in 2021-22.